Incubation Programs

Empowering Startups from Concept to Global Impact

Phase I:
Early Incubation Program

From an innovative business idea to a promising functional startup business, there are many areas of practical business knowledge an entrepreneur will need to master in order to become successful. Through Rising Star providing intense 4 weeks lecture series, we hope to provide our clients with a core set of business knowledge in the following area so clients will be prepared for their startup journey:

Starting a business
Marketing 101
Investment, Finance and other Funding Source
Pitch deck & Business Plan writing 
 Presentations & Roadshows
Team & Venture Structuring 
Development Cycle
Networking & Resources Mapping 

Besides the one month intense initial course, the program also includes 6 to 36 months of coaching and business service support where the incubator’s facility and the expert panel is available to program participants to help and ensure the Startup business can begin as planned and business plan we created together is implemented properly.

Phase II:
Canada Business Extension and Acceleration Accelerating 

Partnered with an experienced tech accelerator – TreeFrog, which provides a highly renowned acceleration course for established startups to expand into Canada. The acceleration program helps startups expand into the Canadian and global market. Key topics covered in this phase include:

Building Your Business in Canada
Business Basics
What to Build & How
Building & Marketing Your Startup
Sales, Strategic Partnerships, & Culture
Investment & Finance

Besides the one-month intense initial course, the program also includes 6 to 36 months of coaching and business service support where the incubator’s facility and the expert panel is available to program participants to help and ensure the Startup business can begin as planned and business plan we created together is implemented properly.

Phase III:
Start Up Visa Canada and Landing of Business

Rising Star all the way baby-sit the Start-Up Visa (SUV) program by providing a pathway to Canadian permanent residency and citizenship for entrepreneurs. Key benefits include:

Access to a thriving innovation ecosystem
Stable economy and exceptional quality of life
Global talent pool
Supportive policies for startups
Vibrant entrepreneur community

Rising Star guides participants through

Securing SUV approval with incubator support
Launching their startup in Canada
Obtaining permanent resident status
Expanding their business nationally
Preparing for a successful business exit or acquisition

The incubator assists with the SUV application, helps startups launch in Canada, and provides ongoing support for participants to grow their business, obtain permanent residency, and eventually exit or acquire the business.

Join hands with our incubation program, and step into a world of endless possibilities where your vision can soar, and success knows no bounds. Explore the myriad benefits of Canadian residency and embark on a journey that holds the promise of unparalleled achievements and new beginnings.